Academic Challenges 2021

This academic year has been quite complicated, we have had to continue with the online classes, since there are still capacity limitations and there are still probabilities of covid infections, despite the vaccines and all the measures that have been taken.

I think it is really good that despite the pandemic and everything that has happened we have been able to continue with the classes, plus we save the time of having to go to the university in person, at first I did not think it was a bad idea, despite the complications that this brought, It was a good answer taking into account that it would be temporary for the covid, but I feel that at this point we are starting to feel the exhaustion, not being able to go to the university and not meeting our classmates in person besides being most of the time in front of a screen is really exhausting us, both students and professors.

I am not a very sociable person, it is hard for me to approach people since I am quite shy, and being behind a screen sometimes has made things easier, but in others it has complicated everything, the first semester it was hard for me to talk to other people, plus I did not have any group work, the next semesters have been easier, I think I've gotten used to it a little, and thanks to the work I have been able to talk to more people and that has made things easier.


  1. I really agree, this year has been quite strange (although it's the first one I'm really jsjs) but still, the online format wasn't that bad, but it's certainly not the same as going to the institution in person.
    p: I'm not that sociable either, but one can handle that aspect.

  2. I'm glad that now it's easier for you to talk to people!

  3. It's true that being behind the screen sometimes makes things easier but at the same time more difficult :( especially to organize with more people.

  4. I'm very happy that you met people at the end, it's very complicated to make friends online!- Paloma G

  5. I feel very similarly about the length of online classes, right now I just want to go back to university.

  6. I agree with what you wrote! and Im not a very sociable person too, I feel what you feel :C


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