My dream job

When I was little I wanted to be different things, I remember I wanted to be a doctor, but when I got to middle school it didn't call my attention, but architecture did, I loved to think about the things that could be done, I never thought I would study it, it was a very distant dream, at that time I started reading about psychology, I liked it a lot, so I thought I would study it, but I thought if I saw myself working in it, I realized that no, I liked reading it and until now I still like it, but I don't see myself working in something like that.

I started to look for careers of my interest, I really like social sciences and art, so among my options were political science, public administration or design, I saw the pros and cons and I chose public administration.


Already in third and fourth I said I was going to study public administration, then at school they began to take us to university fairs, there I asked for all the careers I mentioned before, including architecture, it was always in my desires to study it, I was just afraid that I could not, I always thought that I would not reach the score.


When I had to send the applications to the universities, already having the scores, I put architecture just to see if it would be enough and now I am studying it at the University of Chile and I must admit that although it still scares me a little, I really like the career and I hope someday to be a great architect.


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