The Role of Technology in my Profession and Life

Personally I remember when I was little I don't have the need to use technology, I remember going out to play almost every day with the other kids in the street, but as I grew up it became more and more normalized and I needed it to do many things, young people today we are used to that everything works with technology or that whatever we want to look for we will find it there. 

I do it sometimes unconsciously, my cell phone is almost all day with me, whether I'm using it or not, I always try to keep it close, but I think that in a way it is normal these days, technology has been advancing very fast and everything around us has done so with it.

In architecture today technology is also used a lot, in the classes every day we use more and more programs that in a way are to make things easier for us, as time goes by we continue to implement more and more things in technology and especially in this time of pandemic we have seen how important it has become in our lives, perhaps at another time everything would have had to be put on hold because of the covid, but thanks to technology we could continue with our studies and work. 

Although I also think that in some things so much technology is unnecessary and that we should try not to be so dependent on it, it is true that in other things it is really helpful. 


  1. even though the technology is good, I miss going out to play in the street with the neighbors.


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